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Arts Education

Excellence Through Project-Based Arts Integration
Our commitment to arts education gives students the opportunity to actively engage in culturally relevant and student-centered curricula. Through an interdisciplinary approach to instruction, students make cognitive connections across several disciplines. In addition, students are taught using a sequential curricula, learning age appropriate skills and concepts for each arts area. Students experience arts areas through a variety of genres and historical time periods.

The FAIR School provides students an academic school day with a variety of courses designed to prepare all students for success after graduation. Students enroll in courses that meet both local and state graduation requirements. Our school year is divided into 4 quarters. Students earn .25 credit per class at the end of each quarter.


Fine Arts
At The FAIR School for Arts, our commitment to arts education gives students the opportunity to actively engage in culturally relevant and student-centered curricula that promotes critical and creative thinking. Along with reading, writing, math, science and other core subjects, students at The FAIR School for Arts may progress sequentially through each of five areas in the fine arts: theatre, music, dance, media arts and visual arts. The arts are also integrated into academic study, providing hands-on learning opportunities. For example, in a science unit students may learn how sound from musical instruments is created. In a social studies unit, students may connect the cultural and arts traditions of people in other nations. Guest artists work with teachers and students to support the interdisciplinary experience. Students have many opportunities to learn as well as to demonstrate their learning through the fine arts. 

Our focus on arts education increases students’ cultural understanding and develops them socially, linguistically, and cognitively through a broad variety of hands on experiences. Our commitment to arts education gives students in high school the opportunity to actively engage in culturally relevant and student centered curricula. Through an interdisciplinary approach to instruction, students make cognitive connections across several  disciplines. Sharing in the richness of the arts community of the Twin Cities, we have established partnerships with professional arts organizations and postsecondary schools.